Why can't
you pray?
By Jim Nelson
The U.S. Supreme Court recently upheld an appeals court ruling that
prayer before a high school football game, even when given by students chosen
by their peers, violated the First Amendment of the Constitution.
Writing for the majority, Justice John Paul Stevens stated that since
students were only able to deliver religious messages deemed "appropriate"
by the school district, that meant "minority candidates will never
prevail and that their views will be effectively silenced."
part of
Guardian success
By Russ Anderson
Ascend the stairs leading to The Georgia Guardian's Indian Street offices
and you will see dozens of plaques and certificates attesting to the staff's
professionalism, hard work and success over the years. The paper captured
eight more awards in the 2000 Georgia Press Association Better Newspaper
Contest, two local awards for Web page design, another for advertising and
still another for community service. -more-
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