Ascend the stairs leading to The Georgia Guardian's Indian Street offices and you will see dozens of plaques and certificates attesting to the staff's professionalism, hard work and success over the years. The paper captured eight more awards in the 2000 Georgia Press Association Better Newspaper Contest, two local awards for Web page design, another for advertising and still another for community service. Advertising and readership have increased almost weekly since January, as have hits on our Web site. We must be doing something right yet every writer, editor, designer, illustrator, photographer, advertising, circulation and business representative on the Guardian staff wants to improve the paper. Part of the improvement process is limited to our professional creativity and ingenuity, while part of it includes our readers. You are the entrepreneurs, restaurateurs, merchants, builders, craftsmen and preservationists who bring growth and beauty to Savannah; you are the public servants and volunteers who keep city services running; you are the educators, parents, students and athletes whose accomplishments fill our pages. There is good news in Savannah and we try to report it each week in ways that will inform, entertain and perhaps touch your life. We invite you to contact us with comments and story ideas. After all, our stories and pictures are about you. So, on behalf of the Guardian staff, I want to thank you for helping us succeed.
Russ Anderson can be reached at 525-5500 or by e-mail to
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