
As a service to the community, the Guardian Angel lists club, religious, and civic group information free of charge. In order to submit public service announcements, please send copy to: The Guardian Angel, 528 Indian St., Savannah, Ga. 31401-1121. Deadlines are 10 days prior to Friday publication. For more information, please call (912) 525-5500 or email

The American International Youth Student Exchange Program is seeking host families for 25 high school students from France, Germany, Belgium, Spain, Denmark and other foreign countries for the upcoming school year. The students, ages 15 to 18, will arrive in late August, attend local high schools and return to their home country in June. The students, all fluent in English, will have spending money and medical insurance. American high school students ages 15 to 19 who would like to spend a semester or year with a European family or a 4-week or 6-week stay in the summer also are being sought. Call (800) 347-7575.

The Animal Welfare and Rescue Effort of Savannah will hold a dog bath and dip 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. July 16 at Canine Cuts Grooming Salon, 310 E. Montgomery Cross Road. The cost is $5 for a bath and dip, $3 for a toenail trim and $2 for ear cleaning. For information, call 920-8605.

ASSE International Student Exchange Programs, formerly American Scandinavian Student Exchange, is looking for host families for students who are participants in the Freedom Support Act/FLEX scholarship program. The students will be coming to the United States for the upcoming high school year. For information, call (800) 473-0696 or visit

The Beaufort High School Class of 1991 is planning its 10-year reunion. If you are in this class, please send your name, current address and telephone number to: Class Reunion, P.O. Box 2451, Beaufort, S.C. 29901-2451.

The Chatham-Savannah Youth Service Corps offers professional lawn services. The corps offers special discounts for senior citizens and non-profit organizations. For further information call 651-6798 or 651-6799.

The Council on International Exchanges is seeking host families for students who will come from all over the world in August to attend local high schools. Host families who will provide a caring home are greatly needed. Call 920-6841 for information. The council has a new representative in Savannah. As local coordinator, Rachel Winston will spearhead a community-based campaign to recruit host families.

The Dolphin Project of Georgia needs volunteers, especially boat owners, to help conduct surveys of the Atlantic Bottlenose dolphin along the coast of Georgia. Volunteers must be at least 18 years old. For more information, visit the Web site at or call 786-5750.

The Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Ascension will present a free concert in commemoration of the 250th anniversary of the death of Johann Sebastian Bach, the denomination's greatest composer. It will be held 8 p.m. July 28 in the church sanctuary at 120 Bull St. on Wright Square.

The Foster Grandparent Program needs volunteers. Seniors age 60 and older are needed to volunteer their time at educational facilities, day care centers and other social service agencies. Volunteers work four of five days a week for a total 20 hours of service. A modest stipend and assistance with transportation fees is offered. Call 234-7842 or (800) 287-1380.

The Georgia Neurological Society is looking for adolescents ages 12 to 17 that suffer from headaches for a research study. Subjects who qualify will receive at no charge medical and neurological exams, office visits, lab tests and study medications. The institute also is looking for subjects for epilepsy research. If you are older than 16 and currently take one or two anti-epileptic drugs but feel you need to change this therapy, you may be eligible to participate. For information on either study, call Linda Postos, at 350-8707 or 350-8151.

Hospice Savannah is seeking adult and teen volunteers to visit patients and families, run errands, help with recreational activities, do office tasks or gardening or provide musical talents. Call Cyndi Haggerty at 355-2289 or (888) 355-4911 for information, or check the Web site at

The International Cultural Exchange Services is seeking host families to host exchange students from the Ukraine, Slovalda and Yugoslavia. The girls are 17 years old and will be coming to the United States in August for the 2000-2001 school year. Each student is fully insured and has her own spending money. Call 863-7438 or (888) 587-0075 for information.

LifeLink of Georgia, a nonprofit community service organization that coordinates organ and tissue donations for the state, is seeking volunteers to assists with educating others about organ and tissue donation. For more information, call Rachel Simmons at 341-0000.

Meals on Wheels needs volunteers to deliver meals. Volunteering takes about an hour a day and all that is needed is reliable transportation. Call 236-0363, Ext. 112.


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